Fontys RFID access door
To access some locations at Fontys you will need to use a student or teacher card. These cards utilize RFID to validate if you are allowed access to the building.
Attack scenario's for RFID
Card cloning
Card read and simulate
Replay attack
Reader sniff
Relay Attack
Research: Fontys RFID door
First we researched what type of RFID card was being used. This was done by using a proxmark3.
By using the command: hf search on the proxmark3 we got the following information:
It turns out to be a mifare desfire card, it is possible to get more information by using the hf mfdes info command on the proxmark3:
Now we know that the Fontys student pass is using NXP MIFARE DESFire EV1 cards. This type of card is well protected against card cloning since every data block can have their own authentication key.
Sniff and replay attack will not be possible since it’s using AES encryption. Each time the data of the card is read it uses a different authentication response.
UID Simulation
The card might be protected but if the reader only checks the UID(unique identifier) of the card, it would still be possible to gain access. This was tested by using the following proxmark3 command:
hf 14a sim t 3 u <UID>
The reader didn't give any response while holding the proxmark3 infront of it. When using a different reader we could see that the proxmark did in fact simulate the correct UID. This shows that the reader isn't checking the UID but instead a different block of data on the card.
Possible attacks on Fontys
Creating a custom DESfire card using public read keys
Relay Attack
Creating a custom DESfire card using public read keys
Maybe it is possible to create our own Desfire card that is also using a free access key to read file 1 and 2. But, when checking the card we see that there are 3 more applications stored that are not using the free access key in their authentication. Depending on what the door reader is looking for it might not be possible to create a fake card for that door.
Relay Attack
A relay attack would require two devices that have the possibility to send data from the reader to the card and back. It would need to be executed from a distance where the attacker could get close to someone thas has a valid card. Another person would then have to be at the reader holding the other end of the device against the reader and thus transferring the data from the victims card, from a distance to open the door. This hasn’t been tested yet.
Last updated